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Folk Festivals

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Fiestas Mayores. August 15th (Local Patronage Festival)
Rice Planting Festival. 2nd week of June. The old work of planting rice by hand is revived using methods and tools that farmers used in the past.

Rice Reaping Festival. 2nd week of September. The old work of reaping rice by hand is revived using methods and tools that farmers used in the past.
Fiestas Mayores. May 15th (Local Patronage Festival)
Festival of Las Casa de Alcanar. August 15th .
Festival of Our Lady of Los Remedios. October 7th. If the year ends with 4 or 9, then the festival is celebrated: every 5 years. Spectacular floral decorations.
Fiestas Mayores. August 15th (Local Patronage Festival)
L’Ametlla de Mar
Fiestas Mayores. February 2nd (Local Patronage Festival)
Fiesta de San Pedro. June 29th. In honour of Saint Peter, the local Patron Saint of fishermen. Night boat procession.

Fiestas Mayores. June 24th. (Local Patronage Festival)
Fiesta de la Virgen del Carmen. July 16th. Boat procession (Our Lady of Mount Carmel).
Fiestas Mayores. August 15th. (Local Patronage Festival).
Fiestas Mayores. July 25th. (Local Patronage Festival)
Prat de Comte.
Fiesta del Aguardiente (Brandy Festival). October. During the festival, the inhabitants of the entire village open their doors host the various product samples from the cellars and cooperatives of Terra Alta. The residents of the village invite visitors to enter their homes, which are exceptionally transformed into original fair stands.
Sant Carles de la Ràpita
Fiestas Mayores. June 25th. (Local Patronage Festival)
Carnival, February
Fiestas Mayores de Verano. August 19th. (Local Summer Festival)
Fiestas Mayores. September 23rd. (Local Patronage Festival)
Renaissance Festival. July 23rd. Recreation of Tortosa as it was in the 16th century. With more than 300 locals parading in period costume, 60 daily shows and more than 500 actors.
Fiestas de la Cinta. September 8th. (Our Lady of the Girdle)
Festa de la Mercè. September 24th. (Our Lady of Mercy)
Festa Major of the Gràcia Neighbourhood. August 15th. (Local Patronage Festival)